Command Line Processing

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To set up command line control, first open Arles and set all options like you want them. If everything works like you want, select the File menu > Save. Then call Arles from the command line with the settings file you just saved.


All actions, warnings and errors are stored in the arles.log file. The Arles settings files are plain ASCII. So you can edit them using a script language or ASCII text editor.




arles.exe [options] [settings filename]





-a, --all

Process all actions. Generate thumbnails, modify images and create HTML pages. Equivalent with clicking the All button in the toolbar.


-d, --dontclose

Don't close Arles after command line processing has finished. This option is ignored if the -n or --nogui option is selected.


-i, --images

Modify images. Equivalent with clicking the Images button in the toolbar.


-h, --html

Create gallery HTML pages. Equivalent with clicking the HTML button in the toolbar.


-l, --log

Show Arles log file after the command line processing has finished.


-m, --multifolder

Use multi-folder processing. All other options will now refer to the multi-folder processing window.


-n, --nogui

Don't show the Arles GUI (Graphical User Interface). Arles will run hidden in the background.


-p, --publish

Publish the generated gallery to the web server. Equivalent to clicking the Find & Check and Publish buttons in the Publish Files window.


-source FOLDER

Source folder for gallery creation.


-t, --thumbnails

Generate thumbnails. Equivalent with clicking the Thumbnails button in the toolbar.


-target FOLDER

Target folder for gallery creation.





"C:\Program Files\Digital Dutch\Arles Image Web Page Creator\arles.exe" -a "C:\gallery.arl"

Create an image gallery using the gallery.arl options file.


"C:\Program Files\Digital Dutch\Arles Image Web Page Creator\arles.exe" -a -m -p "C:\gallery.arl"

Create multi-folder galleries using the gallery.arl options file and publish the results to your web server.


"C:\Program Files\Digital Dutch\Arles Image Web Page Creator\arles.exe" -a -source "C:\Images\Mexico" -target "C:\Website\Images\Mexico" "C:\gallery.arl"

Create an image gallery using the gallery.arl options file, "C:\Images\Mexico" as source folder and "C:\Website\Images\Mexico" as target folder.